Blue Dot is an animation and motion design studio specializing in the creation of films for brands. We can handle the entire production process, from scriptwriting to sound design.


We pay great attention to the excellence of our work and collaborate with the best professionals to provide our clients with high-quality images and stories.


As an indie studio, we pick our projects with care and work to establish a relation of trust with our clients and partners, allowing for better outcomes at lower costs.

Blue Dot is an animation and motion design studio specializing in the creation of films for brands. We can handle the entire production process, from scriptwriting to sound design.


We pay great attention to the excellence of our work and collaborate with the best professionals to provide our clients with high-quality images and stories.


As an indie studio, we pick our projects with care and work to establish a relation of trust with our clients and partners, allowing for better outcomes at lower costs.

We love
doing good work
with good people.

Our creed

We believe good work come from trust, strong partnership, and balance between what our clients envision and what we can bring to the table.

Be happy

We value our work greatly, but we also value the time spent with the people we love. Fresh air is important to bring greatness into work.

Why the name, you ask.

Well, please let us fill you in.
(subtitles available)


As an end to end studio, we can do a lot for you.


Direction is deciding how the video is going to be filmed, where it is going to be cut, etc. A director with 3D expertise is essential to achieve a good result.


We can write pretty good stories, or help you re-write them to suit the medium. We’ve been doing it for 10 years now.

Photorealistic rendering

Cosmetics, perfume, cars, you name it. Our expertise in high end 3D rendering allows us to make your product look its best.

Character Animation

We breathe life into your characters.

Character Rigging

This is the stage where Geppetto gives life to Pinocchio, by adding strings to his limbs to make him move. It’s pretty much the same idea in 3D, just with more maths.

Character Design

Need some character for your next campaign ? We have plenty over here !

Motion Design

The art of making mundane stuff be entertaining. We animate all sorts of things, from numbers to luxury watches.

Sound Design

Often overlooked, but we watch a film as much as with our ears than our eyes …